Criminal Law

Criminal law issues in all their aspects are in the news on a practically daily basis, as it has a certain appeal to the curious sensation seeking audience, albeit on Curaçao or elsewhere in the world. For example, governments of several countries continue to hunt for drugs on the islands, formerly known as the Netherlands Antilles, on the basis of the National Ordinance Governing Narcotic Drugs. Of course, criminal law is much more intricate and diverse than that. Just consider aspects like economic, financial and other property offenses, fraud matters, malfeasance, indecent assault, violent crime and matters of extradition.
As a rule, Triple A Attorneys accepts any suspect in a criminal case as their client. Therefore, anyone who wants to make use of the services of Triple A Attorneys for advice or other legal assistance in any stage of the criminal proceedings, is most certainly free to do so. Depending on the urgency and the availability of attorneys, it is possible to discuss the matter immediately, or to make an appointment within short notice. A personal, confidential and thorough exchange of views will then take place between the client and one of our dedicated lawyers.
Various court cases handled by Triple A Attorneys have made the news in various local papers or in the other media. A number of cases are also being mentioned on our Facebook page, by the way.